My Health History

My Health Story is an all-round app that will put the individual person in control and allow them access from one common point therefore simpifying the process of managing information on health. The app gives a wide range of choices of use and features to ensure that its users can manage their health information well, store it appropriately, and share the information at their disposal maintaining privacy control within the user group.

My Health History

Platform and Services

  • Web Portal Development
  • Mobile Application Development


  • Web Development Technology WordPress
  • Mobile Application Technology React Native
  • Database MySQL

What sparked the creation of a well-being platform?

Before this application was developed, the users were undergoing quite a number of challenges while managing their devices. These challenges includes not being able to tell where one’s device was and what status it had. The users also have difficulties in getting in touch with the software updates, recent device history access, and managing the device warranties. Moreover, the lack of a user-friendly interface and safe payment option for extension of warranty added to an overall bad customer experience. A complete solution could be thought of so as to overcome these challenges and enable users to enjoy a seamless device management experience.

Our approach to fostering the solution

MyHealthStory is an integrated web and mobile application that is comprehensive, efficient and assists the individual in managing their health information needs. Its functionalities include organization, storage, and sharing of health data among other features. By centralizing all health-related information in one secure place, it removes the need for people to juggle different health apps and platforms.

In MyHealthStory, an individual easily navigates from one section and tabs into another while entering information relating to health. The application exposes an interactive environment in which an individual records his or her personal health story that captures all the symptoms, moods, daily living, and medical history among others. The Body Map feature allows the users to locate and describe specific health problems on a visual representation of the human body.

One of the most outstanding features of MyHealthStory is customizing and personalizing. A health story can be tailored to fit with a user’s health history as well as experience thereby not generic. The app also suggests and indicates to the users how to express, the impacts of health problems throughout various times of the day and their daily activities.

Besides, MyHealthStory is incorporated with a whole filing cabinet feature that enables users to keep storage and upload extra health documents, reports, as well as files for safekeeping. This enables the users to access all their current and past health information whenever they require it.

The solution also has a journey timeline that chronologicalizes major health events and treatment in time order. This gives the user an elaborate look into their health story as they can also track how they have done in the past or what kind of symptoms or triggers are related to their current health issues.

In addition, MyHealthStory introduces a dashboard for subscribers intended to earn a rebate through sharing the user’s unique link. This feature enables users to get paid based on the number of subscribers that they refer to and what renewals those subscribers have, hence being a two-way reward for promoting and encouraging people to try this application.

MyHealthStory is equipped with a full set of functionalities, and therefore managing health information dramatically facilitated as well as tailor-made care delivered. The application enables the users to have full access to their health information and it makes sure that the users have a secure digital healthcare platform to organize their data smoothly.

My Health History


Enhanced Health Information Management: MyHealthStory consolidates the health data increasing access as well as ease updating while lowering cluttering and errors.

Personalized Care: Unique health story with blank spaces detailing captures accurate information aimed towards personalized diagnosis, treatment, and healthcare.

Improved Communication with Healthcare Professionals: Personal space for seamless communication lowers cases of miscommunication and increases cooperation between the patient and provider.

Enhanced User Engagement and Empowerment: Active user interaction should empower individuals with different interactive features and tools for their self-care practices along the journey of health.

Efficient Sharing and Collaboration: Collaboration among individuals as well as care delivery professionals with a safe sharing of a health story would improve collaboration, better-informed decision-making, and quality care.

Convenient Storage of Health-Related Documents: The filing cabinet feature allows me to easily upload my health documents and keep them there for future reference.

My Health History


MyHealthStory has managed to remodel health information management, hence giving a person control over his or her health and well-being. The implemented improved features that accompany the mobile application translate into personalized care functionalities, data sharing at ease as well and storage facilities in a convenient manner. Therefore, the relationship between a person and health information improves significantly. Through simplifying health information and proper communication with healthcare professionals, MyHealthStory has indeed lent a helping hand to patient-centered health care leading eventually to improved health outcomes and overall well-being.